Current Time in Santiago, Chile
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Current Local Time: 09:50:13 AM (GMT-3)
Santiago, Chile observes Chile Standard Time (CLT) during winter and Chile Daylight Time (CLDT) during summer. During CLT, Santiago is 4 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and 1 hour behind New York City. During CLDT, Santiago is 3 hours behind UTC and the same time as New York City.
Time Zone Information:
- Current Time Zone: Chile Standard Time (CLT)
- UTC Offset: -4 hours (CLT)
- Daylight Saving Time (CLDT): October - March
- UTC Offset During CLDT: -3 hours
Current Weather Conditions:
Weather information not available in this article.
Area Codes:
Area code information not available in this article.
Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, and Moonset Times:
Astronomy information not available in this article.
Additional Information:
- Santiago is the capital and largest city of Chile.
- It is located in the central part of the country, in the Santiago Basin.
- Santiago is a major economic and cultural center of Latin America.