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Angela Rayner Reveals Son Forced To Borrow Money For Food During Isolation

Angela Rayner reveals son forced to borrow money for food during isolation

Labour MP urges government to increase sick pay

Labour MP Angela Rayner has revealed that her son was forced to borrow money from her to survive isolation as she urged the Government to increase sick-pay.

Rayner, who is the Shadow Secretary of State for Education, said her son Charlie had to rely on her financial support after he was forced to isolate due to Covid-19.

"My son had to borrow money from me to buy food because he couldn't afford to," Rayner told the BBC.

"This is not acceptable. People should not have to choose between putting food on the table and staying at home to protect themselves and others from Covid-19."

Rayner's comments come as the government is facing pressure to increase statutory sick pay, which is currently set at £96.35 per week.

The TUC has called for sick pay to be increased to the level of the real living wage, which is currently £9.50 per hour.

Rayner said she supports the TUC's call and said the government should "do the right thing" and increase sick pay.

"This is a matter of basic fairness," she said.

"People who are sick should not be forced to choose between their health and their financial security."


Rayner's son's experience is a reminder of the financial hardship that many people are facing during the pandemic.

The government must act now to increase sick pay and ensure that people can afford to stay home when they are sick.

Failure to do so will only prolong the pandemic and cause unnecessary suffering.
